The Effect of Cellphones

Have you ever felt your phone buzz, only to check your notifications and see that nothing has popped up? This is a newfound phenomenon known as the “Phantom Vibration” or “Phantom Vibration Syndrome.” Studies show that our cellular devices are slowly and subtly altering our brain chemistry. Our attention spans are being rewired to require instant gratification and constant stimulation. This remodeling of the human brain caused by devices is afflicting our generation in a variety of ways. Since this problem is so new, research and information regarding the topic are still in early development. The psychological implications the internet has on children and teens today pose a major threat to our youth.

Social media has the potential to impact student’s mental health because of unrealistic standards. This causes teens to feel a sense of insecurity or unworthiness. Not only can this impact their health, but it can even disrupt their education. It’s not a new occurrence for teens to compare themselves to unrealistic models or influencers on the internet. It has been a reoccurring problem since the early 2010s. Will this problem continue to grow to impact more than just teens?


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