Anna Blessinger

Anna Marie Blessinger, occasionally referred to as “Anna Banana,” is the eldest daughter of Justin and Christina Blessinger. She has one younger sister, Grace, and has lived in Madison her whole life. Anna works at the Lake County Museum during the summer and volunteers during the school year. Anna is involved in numerous activities at MHS. She runs distance in track and field, is involved in marching band, concert band, and jazz band, serves as head editor for the Maroon newspaper, is a Senior Ambassador, president of NHS and NHC, and member of FCA, dance, and youth group. In her free time (when she has any) Anna enjoys lifting and flying.

Anna’s favorite movie is Captain America: The First Avenger, which may help to explain why she chose super strength when asked what superpower she would most like to have. Out of any animal that could describe her, Anna chose the yellow labrador retriever. Her reasoning is that she doesn’t have the energy to be a golden retriever, so their retriever cousins felt like a good pick. If she could live anywhere for a year, Anna would go to Ireland for its nature, culture, and perhaps her favorite color, sage green. When asked what she would do with five million dollars, Anna said she would buy her own Cessna 172 and Porsche 911.

After high school, Anna wants to go out of state for a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Aeronautical Engineering. Her biggest bucket list item is to earn her glider wings. In ten years, Anna wants to be “married with one kid and as many dogs as possible”. The only thing that can slow her down is her terrible fear of spiders. Anna recommends staying consistent in life and not changing who you are for those around you. When asked for advice for the underclassmen, Anna responded, “If it’s not going to matter in a year, don’t worry about it.”