William Joseph Splonskowski, otherwise known as “Mike Wazowski” by close friends, is a long-time resident of Madison, South Dakota. When asked how the silly nickname came about, Will responded “One day, in middle school, it just happened when Adam Souter coined the name.” Will’s favorite food is pizza, specifically pepperoni pizza, and he enjoys watching TV shows such as Troy and Vikings.
Will is the baby of the Splonskowski family, a large family of six (not including Will). When asked if he enjoys the peace and quiet of his older siblings' absence, or if he misses them, Will responded with a very excited, “Sure.” Some things that come easily to Will are strategic games such as chess. Will’s success in chess stems from his unpredictable game strategies. When asked who the best chess player in MHS is, Will responded, “I think I am” with zero hesitation.
In his free time, Will enjoys playing strategic war games on his personal computer, such as Total War- Rome II. Another hobby of Will’s is gardening. This year, Will’s garden consisted of a large variety of fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, pole beans, peppers, zucchini, cucumber, lettuce, and even cantaloupe. One thing Will cannot live without is his intellect because it is what makes him who he is. Will’s favorite subject in school is history because “I like how one small event can trigger a series of other events.” When asked what movie character describes him the best, Will responded, “Jack Sparrow, because I go with the flow.”
If Will could live anywhere in the world for one year, he would choose a tropical island because it would have tropical fish and he could build stuff whenever he pleases. One piece of advice that Will wants to share is “Don't look back, look at the present & the future; if you stay in the past, you won't ever progress in life.”
Will intends to go to DSU for college, where he plans to major in Computer Science. In five years, Will sees himself working for a successful software development company. Then, ten years down the road, Will states he’ll be “rich from software development.“