EllieAnna Rose Jankord, commonly known as “Ellie," is a senior at Madison High School. She was born in Spearfish but later moved to Madison at the age of two. She is the youngest of three siblings, and the only girl. Ellie’s biggest fear is owls; she explained that one time, she was driving down the road and she hit an owl, causing it to stare at her through the windshield. When asked about her biggest fear, she responded, “Owls. Going into Mrs. Gonyo’s room is terrifying because of all of the owls on the wall.”
Ellie explained that one item she can’t live without is fuzzy socks, she even sleeps in them! Her favorite movie is Frozen, explaining “I can recite the entire movie by heart”. Additionally, if Ellie were to play a character in a movie, it would have to be Elsa from Frozen. Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls is an accurate representation of Ellie because they’re both kind and outgoing. If given the opportunity, Ellie would acquire telekinesis to move things with her brain. Some things that come easily to Ellie are playing the trombone in jazz band and singing as a soprano in Madvoices.
In ten years, she hopes to be married with a good job and no children. Ellie plans to major in behavioral studies along with earning a minor in music. Her advice to underclassmen is to “Have fun. While academics are important, don’t forget to enjoy your high school experience and make lasting memories.”