Margaret Ann Engebretson, also known as “Maggie,” “Mags,” or “Marge,” is the daughter of Lori and Patrick and the big sister to Molly and Maddy. Maggie was born on August 29th, 2005, in Watertown, SD; however, she moved to Madison just two years later. You can commonly find Maggie hanging out with her friends and talking with everyone. Maggie is involved in band, choir, all-state chorus, Mad Voices, gymnastics, cross country, pole vault, National Honor Society, and student council. In the summer, you can spot Maggie at the Madison Aquatic Center as a lifeguard. Her favorite part about her job is “getting tan.”
Some of her favorite things are burrito bowls from Chipotle or Qdoba, the movie La La Land, and McDonald’s coffee. If Maggie had five million dollars, she would choose to spend it on a new house, a new car, shopping, and traveling the world. Maggie's go-to karaoke song is “Silver Springs” by Fleetwood Mac.
After high school, Maggie plans to attend college as well as medical school. She is unsure what field of medicine she would like to go into; however, she knows she needs school. Maggie's advice to underclassmen is to “be involved in as much as you can, don't be judgemental towards people, and always be kind.”