Tiana DeLeon, also known as “Tina” or “TT” by friends, was born in Watertown, South Dakota. However, Tiana grew up in Texas; then, at the age of ten, she moved to Madison with her family: mother, Tammy; father, Fredy; sister, Kenisha; and her three brothers David, Luis, and Hayden. She spends most of her free time on TikTok or with friends. Outside of her free time, Tiana finds joy in singing in the mixed choir as an alto. Come springtime, you can find Tiana participating in track doing shotput and discus. An interesting skill that comes easily to her is her intuition.
Tiana enjoys watching S.W.A.T. on Netflix and highly recommends the show, “only if you enjoy crime and stuff.” When asked where she would live if she could live anywhere in the world for a year, she chose Bora Bora because “it is absolutely gorgeous.” Likewise, traveling the world is on her bucket list. Her superpower of choice would be teleportation to help her fulfill her dreams of traveling the world. This superpower would also be useful to help her escape her biggest fear, clowns. Luckily, this fear doesn’t prevent Tiana from doing much, just occasionally a haunted house.
When asked what she would do with five million dollars, Tiana says she would purchase a big house, a charger vehicle, and then give the remaining money to her family. After high school, she plans on attending Lake Area or Northern University to major in criminal justice and, hopefully, become a detective. In ten years, Tiana sees herself married with two kids, settling in a house in Colorado. Her advice to underclassmen would be to, “be yourself and don’t stress too much.”