Julianna Clevland

Julianna Faith Cleaveland, more commonly known as “Jules”, was born in Pipestone, Minnesota, and lived there until the age of 7. Then, he moved to Madison and has lived there with his mom, dad, and three siblings. 

When he is not in school or working at McDonald's, he can be found spending quality time with family, writing, drawing, or playing video games, of which his favorite is Undertale. But regardless of what he is doing, one thing you will never find him without is his pearl bead bracelet as it holds a special place in their heart.

As their final year of high school draws closer to its end he is able to enjoy his favorite class one last time, Creative Writing. When asked why this class was his favorite he simply said “It’s just something I’m very passionate about.” However, when school meets its end he is going to look for a full-time job and will hopefully be able to go traveling with his girlfriend.