Kendra Kay Burkman, also known as “Kendora” or “Punkadoodle,” is the youngest of two children. In fourth grade, she moved to Madison with her mom and sister. The same year, she broke her arm roller skating and had to have two surgeries to fix it. Currently, she works at Subway in Madison; the most rewarding part of her job is training new employees and closing the store. After graduating, Kendra plans to move out of Madison and pursue a career in human development or mental health. In ten years she plans to have a family with a few pets and commented, “I want a good man.” When asked what she would do with five million dollars, she would buy her dream house and a new Jeep. If she could live anywhere, it would be Ireland. She also wants to see beautiful sights and travel. On her bucket list is to travel all fifty states, get a tattoo, and get a nose piercing. 

Some of Kendra’s favorite things are chicken enchiladas, the color red, and the Joker movie from 2018. In school, her favorite subject is Spanish; she finds it fun to learn something new and loves learning about cultures. Neptune is her favorite planet, as she loves the shade of blue that it gives off. On her playlist, she mostly listens to rap, metal, indie, and 80’s rock. One of her all-time favorite quotes is, “Love yourself first before loving anyone else.” Something that comes easy to Kendra is helping people out, as she has always put others before herself. 

When she’s not in school, you can usually find Kendra at home coloring and hanging out with her two cats, Mocha and Oreo. She can’t live without her soft blankets, as she is constantly cold, and it brings her comfort. A character that best describes Kendra is Daphne from Scooby Doo since she’s also ginger. If she could have any superpower in the world, she would pick teleportation so she could get out of situations easily. The only things that she’s afraid of are insects and getting sunburnt, though these fears don't stop her from living her best life. Kendra recommends that people should not procrastinate on the important things in life. For underclassmen, she gives the advice, “Mistakes are proof you’re trying, so don't be afraid to mess up.”