
Dear Pisces, 

The new year is here with a bang! February promises not to disappoint; be ready for action, drama, and, above all, passion. The month begins in the middle of the Aquarius season, signifying that it is already off to a powerful start. Focus on building community and strengthening connections with friends and loved ones, you may just need it this month!  

February 3+4: During early February, Neptune and Venus meet in Pisces, balancing and strengthening your empath powers and sense of humor. These forces may put you in your best mood yet and give you the boost you need to get through this winter. However, there is a downfall to the good times. Take care to be observant or you may miss important warning signs and red flags!

February 12: Middle February brings enlightenment. You may feel a sense of wisdom and a sudden solution to that problem that has been bugging you. This is good, during this time some major cosmic shifts are coming your way! Mercury in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus and a little while later the Sun in Aquarius slams into Uranus in Taurus. These events will have you on your toes, so better get ready!

February 18: As the sun begins to move into Pisces on the 18th, things will begin to wind down. You may feel more calm and compassionate. Learning to be vulnerable and open during this time will help you forge deeper connections with loved ones. It is important to understand limits during this time. 

February 23: February will close out with some forward-thinking innovative goals. Try to progress as much as you can during this time and take the rest you’ve accumulated to make positive strides. Finally, Mars has ended its retrograde. It’s time for you to follow suit!  

February may turn out to be a wild month of ups and downs, but with a little positivity and a lot of love, you can turn this crazy time into a fun ride. Try to accomplish a few personal goals and work on improving and understanding some pesky emotions that have been bothering you along with some deeper feelings of love and happiness. 

With Love,

Astrologers Zoe + Delilah

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