These scary people were roaming the neighborhoods. I am not sure what was going on last night, but I yelled at a lot of people to "get off my lawn"!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
Monkey Paw and Tell Tale Heart in 8th reading. Great to see students excited about literature! Nice job Mrs. Wilkens!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
Rollercoaster express! A couple of crashes, but successful in the end!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
ANNOUNCEMENT: With the current paving taking place in front of the elementary school, please use Liberty Ave.only to enter and to exit the elementary school. Thank you for your help!
about 1 year ago, Madison Central School District
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: We have been informed that the paving contractor will be working on 9th Street in front of the Elementary School starting tomorrow, October 24, 2023. This work will take place starting at 9:00 am and ending at 2:00 pm. This will allow for the regular morning and afternoon drop off and pick up routine as we currently have. However, during the time from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm there will be limited if any access to the elementary school from the main entrance. If you need to pick up or drop off a child at the elementary building between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm, please contact the elementary office at 605-256-7721 to plan to pick up your child on West Ave, west of the elementary school. (There is a sidewalk that runs from the north side of the elementary school over to West Ave. and we will have a “GREEN Construction Cone” to identify the sidewalk.) Thank you for your help during this time of road construction!
about 1 year ago, Madison Central School District
What an amazing group of MHS students! Members of the National Honor Society and Educators Rising helped us supervise students so students and staff could celebrate the end of the quarter with an hour long lunch! The future is in good hands!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
First Quarter Art Show for MMS art students. Fantastic work! Thank you Mrs. Voeltz, MMS Art teacher and Chris Francis Director of the Brickhouse for supporting our artists.
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
First Quarter bucket drumming concert was held today. Great job students and staff
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
Future Beatles or better yet AC/DC!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
A little late, but dedicated MMS students supporting the MHS FB team! Big win for the Dogs!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
Because of the large amount of rain we have received the last two days, there will be NO PARKING ON THE THE DSU PRACTICE FIELD GRASS for the football game tonight. Please use the gravel lot on the west side of the field. The game will be played at 7:00 as scheduled
about 1 year ago, Michael Ricke
8th Grade Art students and their sketching portraits. Wow, just wow! Wonderful job to all students. Our first quarter art show is on Oct 19 from 5:30-7:00 at the Brickhouse.
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
MMS 7/8 Band working on Winter Concert music. Just getting started with it, but sounding good! Great group of kids and Mr. K doing a good job!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
Because of the rain, wind, and cold weather that is forecast for this afternoon (Thursday, October 12, 2023), the 7th & 8th grade football games against Deuel HAVE BEEN CANCELLED. These games will not be made up.
about 1 year ago, Michael Ricke
Good afternoon, Reminder: No school at Madison Central on Monday, October 9, 2023. Thanks and have a great weekend!
about 1 year ago, Madison Central School District
MMS 6th Graders toured the Pipestone National Monument to learn more about local Native American culture which is part of our social studies curriculum. It was cold and windy but the students were great learners.
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
Because of the rain and thunderstorms expected in Canton today, the 7th & 8th grade football games in Canton HAVE BEEN CANCELED. These games will not be made up.
about 1 year ago, Michael Ricke
Madison Regional Hospital nurses Kirsti Meyer and Jenny Olson presented on vaping today at MMS! Well done and thank you!
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch
Good morning, REMINDER: Tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4, 2023, is an Early Release day. Student dismissal @ 12:45 pm. (Scheduled calendar teacher in-service afternoon) Thank you and have a great day!
about 1 year ago, Joel Jorgenson
MMS social is rocking the place
about 1 year ago, Cotton Koch