Group photo of everyone involved in The Luge project. Mr Salmen's 5th Grade Science Class, and Mr Hodgens  Physics class. The photo is taken at Lake Herman State Park.

The Luge

Fifth graders in Mr. Salmen's Science class had the awesome experience as the culmination of their Physics learning by building and testing a luge course with Mr. Hogens Physics class at Lake Herman State Park. A luge course is a sledding course with a specific path for the sleds to follow. When the students arrived at the park, they had to walk about half a mile to get to the location where they'd build the luge course. We grouped the fifth graders into 7 groups with one Physics student and one teacher as the leaders of the group. The grade was then split into two groups with the task of seeing which group could build the fastest luge course. To do this the students marched up and down the hill in a line to create a path and then slid down the hill to smooth out the path to reduce the friction as much as possible. Then it was time for SLEDDING! The students all got into groups of two and got a chance to test out the course by sledding down. At the end of the day they were tired and wet, but had a fantastic time! 

- Noah Salmen

Now for the pictures!