
Forrest Gump once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get.” Treyton couldn't agree more because the year 2020 has been crazy and no one knows what will happen next. 

Treyton is 18 years old and he has two sisters. His full name is Treyton Ryan Molitor. If he could live anywhere, he would live in Florida because there is no snow and it has theme parks. Treyton's favorite TV show is SpongeBob, and a cartoon character that he's most like would be SpongeBob because they are both free and happy. If he had a superpower he would choose to freeze time because he would get things done easier and faster. He loves playing video games; his favorite one to play is Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Music is another love of his (except country music). His favorite song is “Bohemian Rhapsody”, though “Viva La Vida'' and “Take On Me” are up there. His favorite band is Queen, and his favorite solo singers are basically tied with Elton John and Billy Joel.

I asked Treyton if he had 5 million dollars and he could not spend it on himself what he would do with it. He said he would give it to a charity “that knows what they are doing.” If he could be on a reality tv show he would be on the Amazing Race because he thinks it would be fun. If he had a YouTube channel his content would most likely be the top ten best and worst hit songs of certain years because like he said earlier, he loves music a lot, and those specific types of videos tend to be a lot of what he tends to watch on YouTube. His future plans after high school are to be in film making and in ten years he wants to be out of college and have a girlfriend or a wife. However, as Forrest Gump said, Treyton never knows exactly how life will turn out, “You never know what you’re gonna get.”