
Abigail Lee Wiener has 6 people in her family: Her mom, Sarah; her dad, Ted; her older sister, Alexis; and two younger siblings, Zoey and Gene. She is also related to former NFL  player Jay Novacek. In 10 years she hopes to have a German Shepherd and a short-haired cat. She hopes to own her dream car, a 1969 Ford Mustang Fastback with a BOSS 429 engine, and be working or managing a business or hospital.

Abigail would describe herself as Woody from Toy Story because she keeps everyone together and makes sure everything is taken care of. Just like any high schooler, she likes to multi-task, so if she could have a superpower she would want either telepathy or telekinesis.   

Abigail currently works at Sunshine as a cashier and really likes fixing the registers when they break down.  Upon graduation, she plans to enlist with the South Dakota National Guard. She also plans to go to USD or DSU to get her bachelor’s in business administration or healthcare administration. If Abi could complete any dream without failing, she would want to create her own business that creates innovative technology that would make major differences in everyday life.

If Abigail could be any character from a tv show or movie she would choose to be Sabrina from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. She thinks it would be fun to have two crazy aunts, a talking cat, and the powers of a witch. To the underclassmen, she recommends having an agenda book and using it because it kept her sane throughout high school.