Susanna Michelle Voss, also known as “Susie”, was born on January 15, 2004. She has a mother named Kristi, a father named Larry, and a sister named Addison. Her favorite color is blue and her favorite animal is a wolf. The thing she couldn’t live without is the gun that she got from her dad because it means a lot to her.
You can find Susie working at the Hillside Resort. When Susie isn’t working she likes to participate in archery, drawing, reading Throne of Glass, and watching NCIS, and Divergent. If Susie could play any character in a movie she would play Tris Prior from her favorite movie Divergent, because just like her, she isn’t one-dimensional. Susie says “ the character that best describes me is Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games.”
Susie plans to attend Southeast Technical College for automotive technology. When she graduates from there she would like to get a job at a local shop or a garage in town somewhere. Ten years from now Susie would like to be working in a garage, possibly with a family and a house. If offered 5 million dollars to spend she would spend it on a motorcycle. If she could live anywhere she would like to live in London because it’s a different lifestyle and culture.
Susie says that the last year of her life is like chocolate because even through the thick and thin it is still chocolate and it is good. If Susie was to choose a superpower she would want the ability to shapeshift. When asking Susie about the possibility of owning a Youtube channel, she replied, “ I would create videos about art drawings and techniques.” Susie would recommend to all people to try archery and go after their goals.