
“Sophers” or Sophia Marie Rasmussen is a 17-year old girl and the daughter of Autumn and Jeff Rasmussen, and sister to Rylie. Sophia has three furry friends which include: Charlie, a German Shorthaired Labrador; Otto, a German Shepard; and Cuddles, a Cocker Spaniel. 

Over the past couple of years, Sophia has traveled to Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, Utah, and many more states. Even though she’s already adventured to 22 states, her desire to travel is still underway. One goal, or bucket list item, is for Sophia to visit and tour each state in the U.S. while also venturing out to other countries. Another few tally marks on Sophia’s bucket list include rock climbing and backpacking across the country. 

Sophia believes she is closely aligned with the Disney princess, Aurora because she is outdoorsy and is one with nature. She also states, “I would love to be a Disney princess because they are always positive and hopeful in every situation while also being a kind and beautiful person.” In a couple of years, Sophia finds herself attending a university for pre-med and shortly after, medical school, and then residency. 

In addition to Sophia’s love for travel, she also loves being outdoors. When asked how to describe the last year of her life, Sophia replied with, “Wild berries because I was always outdoors and my life was pretty wild and crazy.”

If you ever find yourself thirsty or craving a vanilla spice latte, head on over to Scooter’s Coffee and find the most outstanding button-pusher when it comes to making a smoothie in the blender. Not only can you find Sophia at Scooter’s, but also, you can find her at Johnny Carino’s enjoying their homemade bread and oil and a plate of her favorite food, chicken alfredo. 

When asked what advice Sophia would give to underclassmen is to “always be yourself and not care what anyone thinks about you.” Sophia never lets anything stop her and always lives her life to the fullest--well, almost. A major fear that resides with Sophia is her fear of spiders. When Sophia comes across a spider, it stops her in her tracks until someone else can come and kill it.