Piper Dylan Davies, or as some people call her “Pipes,” is the only child of Gareth and Paige Davies. Piper was born on November 11, 2004, in Fredrick, Maryland. Piper hasn’t always lived in Madison, she lived in Brookings for a few years and then moved to Madison when she was 5. Something that is very interesting about Piper and her family is that her dad is from the United Kingdom and Piper has dual citizenship in both the United States and the United Kingdom.
Piper is well known and has a pretty huge impact on the people around her, but there might be a few things some people don’t know about her. Piper is terrified of moths and grasshoppers, but it doesn’t stop her from exploring because she likes all other sorts of bugs. Along with the topic of exploring, Piper’s bucket list consists of worldwide traveling, but she says, “I also have to be content with who I am."
In ten years, Piper sees herself living outside of a city in a nice house with a few kids and lots of dogs, being happy and content in her career and in her life. Piper is undecided on what path she wants to follow after high school, but Piper has a few interests. She would like to explore nursing, physical education, or exercise science. One thing she knows for sure is that no matter which one she decides to pursue, she’ll love doing it because she is very passionate about each one of these possible majors.